Investor Relations

ES-CON JAPAN is a life developer that builds the settings of people’s futures, bringing ideals into reality and the future of Japan to life.

Financial Data

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Financial Data

(As of December 31, 2022)

Main P/L, B/S and Cashflow Indicators

Unit 26th FP
(ended December 2020)
27th FP
(ended December 2021)
28th FP
(ended December 2022)
29th FP
(ended March 2024)
Net Sales Millions of yen 77,308 79,017 99,431 118,861
Operating income Millions of yen 12,202 10,381 15,492 19,074
Ordinary income Millions of yen 11,164 9,099 14,012 16,585
Profit attributable to owners of parent Millions of yen 7,663 5,961 7,250 10,050
Total assets Millions of yen 149,423 252,771 263,729 399,696
Net assets Millions of yen 38,627 62,628 64,144 70,702
Cashflow from operating activities Millions of yen 119 -10,810 1,501 -68,892
Cashflow from investing activities Millions of yen -9,732 -29,721 -1,620 -32,611
Cashflow from financing activities Millions of yen 11,007 50,293 2,144 114,585
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period Millions of yen 23,798 33,559 35,604 48,712

Main Management Indicators

Unit 26th FP
(ended December 2020)
27th FP
(ended December 2021)
28th FP
(ended December 2022)
29th FP
(ended March 2024)
Interest-bearing liabilities Millions of yen 98,506 163,034 169,065 293,794
Liquidity Millions of yen 23,870 33,667 35,721 48,910
Interest receivable Millions of yen 16 10 1 4
Interest expenses Millions of yen 1,047 1,463 1,895 2,650
Equity ratio (%) 25.8 24.8 25.0 18.1
ROA (%) 5.4 3.0 2.8 3.0
ROE (%) 21.2 11.8 11.3 14.5
Number of employees (People) 278 334 398 442
Net assets per share * (Yen) 563.07 657.50 691.87 759.56
Profit per share * (Yen) 111.94 67.48 76.04 105.44
Dividend payout rate (%) 33.9 56.3 50.0 45.5
Total payout ratio * (%) 33.9 56.3 50.0 45.5

*We executed a shareholder allotment of subscription rights to shares based on a rights offering (non-commitment/gratis allotment of listed subscription rights) on May 26, 2013. New shares are issued upon exercise of these subscription rights to shares. Because the exercise price of the subscription rights is lower than the market price, based on paragraph 16 of the Guidance on Accounting Standards for Profit per Share (Guidance on Accounting Standards No. 4 issued on March 25, 2011), the number of shares equivalent to the share split caused by the issue of new shares dating back to the beginning of the previous consolidated fiscal year is adjusted to calculate net assets per share.

*Total payout ratio: (paid dividend total + acquired treasury stock total) ÷profit
